Saturday, October 30, 2010

NaNoWriMo -- Wicked Trick or Awesome Treat?

Fifty thousand words in thirty days. Writers all over the world are preparing to step up to the challenge that is NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). Are you one of them?

Last year was my first time, and I fell in love. It's crazy and exciting. It can also be intimidating, so my approach is to do what I can. If I win the challenge, great. If not, well, there's no down side for me.

I love the whole togetherness of it all. Thousands of us burning up our keyboards with the same goal, pushing and encouraging each other.

If you haven't seen these yet, here are some great links for getting prepped:
I'm a planner by nature, so I've plotted and written a loose outline. My index cards are filled out, stacked, and ready to go.

Are you in? If you want to buddy me, I'm at Julie Musil. I hope to see you there, and good luck in November!


  1. I signed up (my first year), but I might just watch from the sidelines and join in for real next year. You're right - it is intimidating.

    Happy Halloween!

  2. This is my first year. I hope I am prepared. We shall see.

  3. Ooh, thank you for all the links! This isn't my first year, but it's the year I really hope to succeed. :)

  4. I'm tempted to sign up, but maybe I'll wait for next year, as I have a couple of projects I need to finishe before starting such and intense new one. But great post! You really motivated me to look into it, and thanks for the sites to go to for more information!

  5. I'm also not sure if a writing talent should be forced in this way. Publishing houses hate NANOWRIMO :) because after it they are usually hit by an avalanche of mediocre or bad books and manuscripts which aspiring writers have created in this unnatural month of non-stop writing.
    I've always believed writing should come naturally, but there is one good thing about this NANOWRIMO - the way how you writers get together and support each other :)

  6. I love Nano. Won every year I tried (didn't try two years ago.) It'll be hard with two little ones but I'm gonna try! I'm there as Scarlett9284

  7. Good luck Julie! I thought about signing up this year but decided to keep my focus on picture books for now (hence, PiBoIdMo). Next year I'm going to do it for sure! This year I'll just be cheering you all on.

  8. Hey Julie, I'll definitely try to remember buddying you. This is my third year doing Nano.

    It is crazy, but like you, I fell in love with the challenge.
    Best of luck!

    My book for Nano you can read about on my blog (in case you were wondering).

  9. Doin' it! Like you, I'm not too worried about word count. I just want to get a fire going under my ambition!

    I just hope my fellow bloggers will understand when I'm not around nearly as much.

    Good luck! Off to stock up the pantry!

  10. You go, Julie. Great good luck. Can't wait to hear what you come up with.

  11. I will be cheering you on all the way! I love Nano, but I have too much revising right now to attempt it.

    You can do it!

    Angela @ The Bookshelf muse

  12. How nice of you to pass on your wisdom.

    If you get a chance, stop by my blog "Substitute Teacher's Saga" for a Halloween Haunting from 10/28-11/1. There are prizes!

  13. Julie, I will be cheering you all the way. This year would have been my first NaNo, but I have two books to edit and revise. So, maybe next year.
    All the best!

  14. Have fun, Julie! And good luck!

    I'm not going to attempt it. I'm too far gone on my WiP edits. :) But I hope it's a fruitful experience for you!!


  15. I'm in! It's my second year. Less than three hours to go, here in Australia. My outline finally came together today, so fingers crossed!

    I'm with you, I love the togetherness--for me, that's the best part.

  16. I'm in. It's my second year, too, so we'll cheer each other on. :-)

  17. I have to finish my outline---like NOW!! LOL

  18. Thank you for sharing Julie. Blessings.

  19. I'm an unofficial participant this year. Maybe next year I'll have less on my plate. Good luck to you, though!

    By the do you "win"?

  20. I'm in and you're buddied. I love the concept of NaNo. Even when I wasn't officially doing it, I was typing my fingers off every November. I figure it's good practice for when I have to write to a deadline. =o)

    Good luck to everyone.

  21. good luck, Juls! I hope to participate one year, this year I'm ReviseMo~ :o) <3

  22. I'm rooting for you!! And a little bummed that I can't join you this year. *sniff*

  23. Good luck Julie!! I hope your fingers fly on that key board!

  24. Good luck Julie!

    Write those 50K words! I'll be cheering you on!

  25. Go Nano, Go Nano. I'm jazzed because both of my kids are doing it this year with me. Here's to wild creative abandon.
