Sunday, May 30, 2010
Honoring Veterans
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Celebrating 100 with Goodies & Cyber-Margaritas!
Thanks to this awesome community of writers and bloggers, I'm celebrating the 100th follower mark! In honor of this milestone, I’d like to forward some blogger awards I’ve received. After all, what's a party without goodies? And margaritas?
A special shout out to Ronnie Kerrigan, who was lucky #100! Drop by his fun blog when you can.
This Sunshine Award was given to me by Helen Ginger. I'm passing it along to the following bloggers who brighten my day:
This Blogger Momma award was given to me by Nicole Ducleroir. I'm passing it on to these amazing moms who juggle writing with band-aids, runny noses, and drama:
This Sweet Blog award was given to me by Angie Paxton. I'm passing it along to the following sweeties:
And especially Angela Ackerman at The Bookshelf Muse for her sweet tweet that gave me the extra push!
Now that the awards ceremony is over, what do you say we share some cyber-margaritas?
What is your favorite flavor? On the rocks? Blended with salt? Strawberry with sugar on the rim?
Monday, May 24, 2010
So Many Flavors!
While chillin’ by the pool in Palm Springs with my sisters, I couldn’t help but notice all the noses in books. I imagined the excitement each author had felt the first time they’d learned they’d be published. Something else I noticed? All the different ‘flavors’ of books. I spotted thrillers, self-help, romance, and YA.
For me, a stroll through a library or book store is like a trip to Baskin Robbins. Well, let's not go crazy. But I do love all the choices. The perfect book choice for me might make others cringe. Like when my husband orders strawberry cheesecake ice cream, and I don't even ask for a bite ( that why he orders it?)
I'm thankful that authors write diverse material, and that publishers put it out there on the market. Just like I'm thankful there are rows and rows of flavors to choose from in the ice cream section of the grocery store.
Karen G wrote an amazing post on Why You May Not be Published. If we avoid these mistakes, maybe someday our work will be gobbled up by sunbathers chillin’ by the pool.
For the record, my favorite books are contemporary and historical fiction. My favorite ice cream? Peanut butter and chocolate. How about you?
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Focus on the Awesome
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Publication on Imagination Cafe
Monday, May 17, 2010
Five Fingers, Free Books, Agent Updates & Grammar
While dining with family and friends this weekend, I learned an entertaining game called "Five Fingers." Ever heard of it? I was told it's a drinking game, which explains why it was foreign to me. I'm kinda sorta square.
After playing a hilarious (and very informative) round of Five Fingers, I not only gained fun memories, but I also imagined a new scene for my next novel. I scribbled notes on hotel stationery and slipped them into my file for future use.
Tell me, what is your process for jotting down ideas when they sky-dive into your brain? Notes on business cards, store receipts, or your child's homework? Note pad in your purse? Paper and pencil on your nightstand? I'd love to know your secret.
From Anita Nolan and my sister (Hi Robyn!) I learned that Borders is giving out a free book to kids under 12 who read 10 books this summer. You can check out the details here.'s blog lists new and updated agents here.
Grammar Girl helps those of us who are grammar-challenged here.
I wish you all a happy Tuesday!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Sharing, Spock, and Puke
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Secret to Having it All is...
Friday, May 7, 2010
Blogger Mommas